Monthly Sales Reports 2008

  • Dec. 2008 2007
    kl '000 of cases yoy change (%) kl '000 of cases
    Beer Domestic 204,804 16,177 -2.1 209,214 16,526
    Happoshu (low-malt beer) Domestic 36,305 2,868 -9.7 40,218 3,177
    New genre (No-malt beer) Domestic 30,040 2,373 24.9 24,055 1,900
    Total 271,150 21,418 -0.9 273,488 21,603
    Jan. - Dec. 2008 2007
    kl '000 of cases yoy change (%) kl '000 of cases
    Beer Domestic 1,636,575 129,271 -4.4 1,712,677 135,283
    Happoshu (low-malt beer) Domestic 369,441 29,182 -13.5 426,975 33,726
    New genre (No-malt beer) Domestic 302,069 23,860 24.0 243,562 19,239
    Total 2,308,084 182,313 -3.2 2,383,213 188,248
    Sales by brand
    (unit/'000 cases)
    Dec. Jan. - Dec.
    cases in 2008 yoy change (%) cases in 2007 cases in 2008 yoy change (%) cases in 2007
    Super Dry 15,550 -2.8 16,000 125,300 -4.1 130,700
    Jukusen 200 59.1 130 2,010 101.6 1,000
    Honnama Draft 720 -26.4 980 8,670 -23.4 11,320
    Honnama-Aquablue- 690 -18.4 840 7,370 -20.6 9,290
    Style Free 1,220 20.8 1,010 11,380 37.1 8,300
    Ginger Draft 20 - - 520 - -
    Clear Asahi 1,740 - - 14,120 - -
    Ajiwai 180 -78.2 840 4,480 91.4 2,340
  • Nov. 2008 2007
    kl '000 of cases yoy change (%) kl '000 of cases
    Beer Domestic 125,408 9,906 -7.7 135,901 10,735
    Happoshu (low-malt beer) Domestic 26,432 2,088 -14.5 30,912 2,442
    New genre (No-malt beer) Domestic 22,158 1,750 14.9 19,290 1,524
    Total 173,998 13,744 -6.5 186,102 14,700
    Jan. - Nov. 2008 2007
    kl '000 of cases yoy change (%) kl '000 of cases
    Beer Domestic 1,431,771 113,094 -4.8 1,503,462 118,757
    Happoshu (low-malt beer) Domestic 333,135 26,314 -13.9 386,757 30,550
    New genre (No-malt beer) Domestic 272,028 21,487 23.9 219,506 17,339
    Total 2,036,934 160,895 -3.5 2,109,726 166,645
    Sales by brand
    (unit/'000 cases)
    Nov. Jan. - Nov.
    cases in 2008 yoy change (%) cases in 2007 cases in 2008 yoy change (%) cases in 2007
    Super Dry 9,450 -7.4 10,200 109,750 -4.3 114,700
    Jukusen 140 44.5 100 1,800 107.8 870
    Honnama Draft 490 -39.0 810 7,950 -23.1 10,340
    Honnama-Aquablue- 520 -23.6 680 6,690 -20.9 8,450
    Style Free 910 18.8 770 10,160 39.4 7,290
    Ginger Draft 100 - - 500 - -
    Clear Asahi 1,350 - - 12,380 - -
    Ajiwai 170 -76.4 700 4,290 185.7 1,500
  • Oct. 2008 2007
    kl '000 of cases yoy change (%) kl '000 of cases
    Beer Domestic 122,947 9,711 -2.8 126,473 9,990
    Happoshu (low-malt beer) Domestic 34,361 2,714 4.0 33,043 2,610
    New genre (No-malt beer) Domestic 25,338 2,001 5.2 24,074 1,902
    Total 182,646 14,427 -0.5 183,589 14,502
    Jan. - Oct. 2008 2007
    kl '000 of cases yoy change (%) kl '000 of cases
    Beer Domestic 1,306,363 103,188 -4.5 1,367,562 108,022
    Happoshu (low-malt beer) Domestic 306,703 24,226 -13.8 355,845 28,108
    New genre (No-malt beer) Domestic 249,871 19,737 24.8 200,217 15,815
    Total 1,862,937 147,151 -3.2 1,923,623 151,945
    Sales by brand
    (unit/'000 cases)
    Oct. Jan. - Oct.
    cases in 2008 yoy change (%) cases in 2007 cases in 2008 yoy change (%) cases in 2007
    Super Dry 9,500 -2.1 9,700 100,300 -4.0 104,500
    Jukusen 120 68.9 70 1,660 115.8 770
    Honnama Draft 630 -27.0 860 7,450 -21.9 9,530
    Honnama-Aquablue- 570 -20.4 720 6,170 -20.6 7,770
    Style Free 1,020 25.9 810 9,250 41.9 6,520
    Ginger Draft 400 - - 400 - -
    Clear Asahi 1,500 - - 11,030 - -
    Ajiwai 200 -74.6 800 4,130 416.4 800
  • Sep. 2008 2007
    kl '000 of cases yoy change (%) kl '000 of cases
    Beer Domestic 120,552 9,522 -6.2 128,558 10,155
    Happoshu (low-malt beer) Domestic 31,308 2,473 -17.4 37,917 2,995
    New genre (No-malt beer) Domestic 27,252 2,153 58.6 17,178 1,357
    Total 179,113 14,148 -2.5 183,652 14,506
    Jan. - Sep. 2008 2007
    kl '000 of cases yoy change (%) kl '000 of cases
    Beer Domestic 1,183,416 93,477 -4.6 1,241,089 98,032
    Happoshu (low-malt beer) Domestic 272,342 21,512 -15.6 322,802 25,498
    New genre (No-malt beer) Domestic 224,533 17,736 27.5 176,143 13,913
    Total 1,680,291 132,724 -3.4 1,740,034 137,443
    Sales by brand
    (unit/'000 cases)
    Sep. Jan. - Sep.
    cases in 2008 yoy change (%) cases in 2007 cases in 2008 yoy change (%) cases in 2007
    Super Dry 9,250 -7.5 10,000 90,800 -4.2 94,800
    Jukusen 110 55.6 70 1,540 121.5 700
    Honnama Draft 720 -24.6 950 6,830 -21.2 8,670
    Honnama-Aquablue- 620 -19.1 770 5,600 -20.6 7,050
    Style Free 1,050 22.1 860 8,230 44.2 5,710
    Clear Asahi 1,530 - - 9,530 - -
    Ajiwai 260 - - 3,920 - -
  • Aug. 2008 2007
    kl '000 of cases yoy change (%) kl '000 of cases
    Beer Domestic 161,610 12,765 -13.3 186,415 14,725
    Happoshu (low-malt beer) Domestic 31,765 2,509 -25.4 42,580 3,363
    New genre (No-malt beer) Domestic 26,634 2,104 34.9 19,748 1,560
    Total 220,010 17,378 -11.6 248,743 19,648
    Jan. - Aug. 2008 2007
    kl '000 of cases yoy change (%) kl '000 of cases
    Beer Domestic 1,062,863 83,954 -4.5 1,112,532 87,878
    Happoshu (low-malt beer) Domestic 241,034 19,039 -15.4 284,885 22,503
    New genre (No-malt beer) Domestic 197,281 15,583 24.1 158,965 12,556
    Total 1,501,178 118,576 -3.5 1,556,382 122,937
    Sales by brand
    (unit/'000 cases)
    Aug. Jan. - Aug.
    cases in 2008 yoy change (%) cases in 2007 cases in 2008 yoy change (%) cases in 2007
    Super Dry 12,550 -13.7 14,550 81,550 -3.8 84,800
    Jukusen 140 68.1 90 1,440 130.4 630
    Honnama Draft 770 -31.3 1,120 6,110 -20.8 7,720
    Honnama-Aquablue- 630 -28.3 880 4,970 -20.8 6,280
    Style Free 1,020 9.7 930 7,180 48.1 4,850
    Clear Asahi 1,500 - - 8,000 - -
    Ajiwai 270 - - 3,660 - -
  • Jul. 2008 2007
    kl '000 of cases yoy change (%) kl '000 of cases
    Beer Domestic 189,058 14,934 4.7 180,522 14,259
    Happoshu (low-malt beer) Domestic 34,767 2,746 -5.9 36,938 2,918
    New genre (No-malt beer) Domestic 29,703 2,346 66.2 17,867 1,411
    Total 253,529 20,026 7.7 235,328 18,588
    Jan. - Jul. 2008 2007
    kl '000 of cases yoy change (%) kl '000 of cases
    Beer Domestic 901,253 71,189 -2.7 926,117 73,153
    Happoshu (low-malt beer) Domestic 209,269 16,530 -13.6 242,305 19,139
    New genre (No-malt beer) Domestic 170,647 13,479 22.6 139,218 10,997
    Total 1,281,169 101,198 -2.0 1,307,640 103,289
    Sales by brand
    (unit/'000 cases)
    Jul. Jan. - Jul.
    cases in 2008 yoy change (%) cases in 2007 cases in 2008 yoy change (%) cases in 2007
    Super Dry 14,800 5.7 14,000 69,000 -1.8 70,250
    Jukusen 280 110.5 130 1,290 138.4 540
    Honnama Draft 840 -21.0 1,070 5,340 -19.0 6,600
    Honnama-Aquablue- 700 -14.5 820 4,340 -19.6 5,400
    Style Free 1,130 34.3 840 6,160 57.2 3,920
    Clear Asahi 1,630 - - 6,500 - -
    Ajiwai 330 - - 3,390 - -
  • Jun. 2008 2007
    kl '000 of cases yoy change (%) kl '000 of cases
    Beer Domestic 151,671 11,980 -7.8 164,558 12,998
    Happoshu (low-malt beer) Domestic 32,578 2,573 -22.3 41,920 3,311
    New genre (No-malt beer) Domestic 29,048 2,294 22.1 23,790 1,879
    Total 213,297 16,848 -7.4 230,268 18,189
    Jan. - Jun. 2008 2007
    kl '000 of cases yoy change (%) kl '000 of cases
    Beer Domestic 712,194 56,255 -4.5 745,594 58,894
    Happoshu (low-malt beer) Domestic 174,502 13,784 -15.0 205,367 16,222
    New genre (No-malt beer) Domestic 140,944 11,133 16.1 121,350 9,585
    Total 1,027,640 81,172 -4.2 1,072,312 84,701
    Sales by brand
    (unit/'000 cases)
    Jun. Jan. - Jun.
    cases in 2008 yoy change (%) cases in 2007 cases in 2008 yoy change (%) cases in 2007
    Super Dry 11,150 -7.0 12,000 54,200 -3.6 56,250
    Jukusen 200 69.8 120 1,010 147.5 410
    Honnama Draft 830 -32.1 1,220 4,500 -18.6 5,530
    Honnama-Aquablue- 650 -23.1 840 3,640 -20.5 4,580
    Style Free 1,000 16.3 860 5,030 63.2 3,080
    Clear Asahi 1,500 - - 4,870 - -
    Ajiwai 340 - - 3,060 - -
  • May 2008 2007
    kl '000 of cases yoy change (%) kl '000 of cases
    Beer Domestic 130,394 10,300 -2.8 134,168 10,598
    Happoshu (low-malt beer) Domestic 30,624 2,419 -17.4 37,084 2,929
    New genre (No-malt beer) Domestic 28,375 2,241 57.7 17,995 1,421
    Total 189,393 14,960 0.1 189,247 14,948
    Jan. - May 2008 2007
    kl '000 of cases yoy change (%) kl '000 of cases
    Beer Domestic 560,524 44,275 -3.5 581,036 45,895
    Happoshu (low-malt beer) Domestic 141,923 11,210 -13.2 163,448 12,911
    New genre (No-malt beer) Domestic 111,896 8,839 14.7 97,560 7,706
    Total 814,343 64,324 -3.3 842,044 66,512
    Sales by brand
    (unit/'000 cases)
    May Jan. - May
    cases in 2008 yoy change (%) cases in 2007 cases in 2008 yoy change (%) cases in 2007
    Super Dry 10,000 -2.4 10,250 43,050 -2.7 44,250
    Jukusen 160 131.7 70 810 178.8 290
    Honnama Draft 810 -23.6 1,060 3,670 -14.8 4,310
    Honnama-Aquablue- 630 -19.2 780 3,000 -19.7 3,740
    Style Free 900 9.5 820 4,030 81.3 2,220
    Clear Asahi 1,310 - - 3,370 - -
    Ajiwai 450 - - 2,720 - -
  • Apr. 2008 2007
    kl '000 of cases yoy change (%) kl '000 of cases
    Beer Domestic 126,235 9,971 -6.7 135,276 10,685
    Happoshu (low-malt beer) Domestic 28,494 2,251 -24.2 37,585 2,969
    New genre (No-malt beer) Domestic 26,485 2,092 12.9 23,464 1,853
    Total 181,214 14,314 -7.7 196,325 15,508
    Jan. - Apr. 2008 2007
    kl '000 of cases yoy change (%) kl '000 of cases
    Beer Domestic 430,129 33,975 -3.7 446,868 35,298
    Happoshu (low-malt beer) Domestic 111,299 8,791 -11.9 126,363 9,981
    New genre (No-malt beer) Domestic 83,521 6,597 5.0 79,565 6,285
    Total 624,950 49,364 -4.3 652,797 51,564
    Sales by brand
    (unit/'000 cases)
    Apr. Jan. - Apr.
    cases in 2008 yoy change (%) cases in 2007 cases in 2008 yoy change (%) cases in 2007
    Super Dry 9,600 -5.9 10,200 33,050 -2.8 34,000
    Jukusen 170 145.1 70 650 194.0 220
    Honnama Draft 740 -32.0 1,090 2,860 -11.9 3,250
    Honnama-Aquablue- 610 -18.2 750 2,370 -19.8 2,960
    Style Free 810 15.4 700 3,130 123.4 1,400
    Clear Asahi 1,160 - - 2,060 - -
    Ajiwai 450 - - 2,270 - -
  • Mar. 2008 2007
    kl '000 of cases yoy change (%) kl '000 of cases
    Beer Domestic 69,145 5,462 -46.6 129,532 10,232
    Happoshu (low-malt beer) Domestic 15,685 1,239 -55.3 35,115 2,774
    New genre (No-malt beer) Domestic 20,454 1,616 -7.9 22,207 1,754
    Total 105,285 8,316 -43.7 186,854 14,759
    Jan. - Mar. 2008 2007
    kl '000 of cases yoy change (%) kl '000 of cases
    Beer Domestic 303,894 24,004 -2.5 311,592 24,612
    Happoshu (low-malt beer) Domestic 82,805 6,541 -6.7 88,778 7,012
    New genre (No-malt beer) Domestic 57,036 4,505 1.7 56,101 4,431
    Total 443,736 35,050 -2.8 456,471 36,056
    Sales by brand
    (unit/'000 cases)
    Mar. Jan. - Mar.
    cases in 2008 yoy change (%) cases in 2007 cases in 2008 yoy change (%) cases in 2007
    Super Dry 5,000 -49.5 9,900 23,450 -1.5 23,800
    Jukusen 360 414.3 70 480 220.0 150
    Honnama Draft 370 -63.4 1,010 2,110 -2.3 2,160
    Honnama-Aquablue- 340 -51.4 700 1,760 -20.4 2,210
    Style Free 420 -40.0 700 2,320 231.4 700
    Clear Asahi 900 - - 900 - -
    Ajiwai 360 - - 1,820 - -
  • Feb. 2008 2007
    kl '000 of cases yoy change (%) kl '000 of cases
    Beer Domestic 157,463 12,438 61.9 97,270 7,683
    Happoshu (low-malt beer) Domestic 48,602 3,839 33.9 36,293 2,867
    New genre (No-malt beer) Domestic 26,008 2,054 38.3 18,805 1,485
    Total 232,074 18,331 52.3 152,369 12,035
    Jan. - Feb. 2008 2007
    kl '000 of cases yoy change (%) kl '000 of cases
    Beer Domestic 234,749 18,543 28.9 182,061 14,381
    Happoshu (low-malt beer) Domestic 67,120 5,302 25.1 53,663 4,239
    New genre (No-malt beer) Domestic 36,582 2,890 7.9 33,894 2,677
    Total 338,451 26,734 25.5 269,617 21,297
    Sales by brand
    (unit/'000 cases)
    Feb. Jan. - Feb.
    cases in 2008 yoy change (%) cases in 2007 cases in 2008 yoy change (%) cases in 2007
    Super Dry 12,200 63.8 7,450 18,450 32.7 13,900
    Honnama Draft 1,330 15.7 1,150 1,740 51.3 1,150
    Honnama-Aquablue- 990 -4.8 1,040 1,420 -6.0 1,510
    Style Free 1,290 - - 1,900 - -
    Ajiwai 1,010 - - 1,460 - -
  • Jan. 2008 2007
    kl '000 of cases yoy change (%) kl '000 of cases
    Beer Domestic 77,285 6,105 -8.9 84,791 6,698
    Happoshu (low-malt beer) Domestic 18,518 1,463 6.6 17,369 1,372
    New genre (No-malt beer) Domestic 10,573 835 -29.9 15,089 1,192
    Total 106,377 8,403 -9.3 117,249 9,261
    Sales by brand
    (unit/'000 cases)
    cases in 2008 yoy change (%) cases in 2007
    Super Dry 6,250 -3.1 6,450
    Honnama Draft 410 - -
    Honnama-Aquablue- 430 -8.5 470
    Style Free 610 - -
    Ajiwai 450 - -

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