Asahi Group Recognized as Water Security “A List” Company, the Highest Evaluation in Water Security Survey Conducted by CDP
Asahi Group Holdings, Ltd.
Asahi Group Holdings, Ltd. (Head Office: Tokyo; President and Representative Director, CEO AkiyoshiKoji) has been recognized by global non-profit CDP* with a place on the CDP’s A List for water security,the highest evaluation in the CDP’s survey on survey on water security. This Company achieved a placeon the CDP A List for climate change, making this year the second consecutive year that the Asahi Grouphas been placed on the A Lists for two categories.
The Asahi Group established the Asahi Group Philosophy, a new corporate philosophy, in January 2019,making “Contribute to a sustainable society through our business” an action guideline. The Group thenestablished Asahi Group Environmental Vision 2050 in February 2019 with the aim of contributing to asustainable society. With this vision, the Asahi Group aims to achieve zero environmental impact(environmental neutrality) in its business activities by 2050, and to leverage its proprietary technologiesand knowhow to create more environmental value in society (thereby moving from neutral to positive).
The Asahi Group also attaches great importance to the use of water resources as its business activitiesutilize blessings of nature such as water and agricultural products. The Asahi Group views its recognitionas a Water Security A List company as acknowledgment of its efforts to further reduce water usage atbreweries and factories as well as groundwater recharge-related efforts, mainly at the Asahi Forest, acompany-owned forest where the company’s sustainable forest management has been recognized withForest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification.
*CDP is an international non-profit organization representing over 650 institutional investors (with assets of US$87 trillion)that encourages companies to disclose their impacts on the environment and natural resources and to implement initiativesto mitigate those impacts. In 2019, over 7,000 companies around the world disclosed environmental data relating to climate change, water resources, forests, and other matters through CDP questionnaires. The primary data and knowhow fromthese companies, which include some of the largest companies in the world, is provided to help inform strategic decisionmaking in the areas of business, investment, and policymaking.