Strengthening Our Foundation for Promoting Sustainability Integrated with Management
“Asahi Group’s Sustainability Principles/Vision” formulated
“Global Sustainability Committee” established
In order to further improve the level of our initiative for sustainability undertaken by the Asahi Group as a whole, AsahiGroup Holdings, Ltd. (HQ: Tokyo, President: Akiyoshi Koji) has drawn up principles and a vision, on which the initiativewill be based, and, at the same time, reviewed material issues and sustainability promotion system. We will introduce amore sustainability-oriented system into each of our business model, growth strategy, and business activities.
In its “Asahi Group Philosophy,” the Group calls for “Building value together with all our stakeholders” in the “OurPrinciples”, which serves as a code of conduct and promise to stakeholders. The “Medium-Term Management Policy” lists“Reinforcing ESG initiatives” among its three key priorities. Toward achieving these goals, we will clarify in writingthe significance of our sustainable initiative and the sort of future we will pursue, thus accelerating the promotion ofsustainability on a global and groupwide basis.
Asahi Group’s Sustainability Principles
- The Asahi Group is striving to realize the tastiness of products and services that exceedconsumer expectations, using the blessings of nature. We preserve finite nature to hand downthe important blessings of nature to future generations.
- The Asahi Group is striving to bring more fun to life through its products and services. Webuild a sustainable society to allow a better life to be inherited.
Asahi Group’s Sustainability Vision
Based on the Sustainability Principles, we will strive to create values toward a better futurein all regions where we operate by incorporating “Environment,” “People,” “Communities,”“Health,” and “Responsible drinking” into our corporate strategy.
Through these initiatives, we will continue to take on challenges and innovation to contributeto achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
In time with the formulation of the principles and vision, we have added “communities” and “health” to the Asahi Group’smaterial issues, which have now been revised as the five themes of “the environment,” “people,” “communities,” “health,”and “responsible drinking.”
Furthermore, we have disclosed material issue-based key performance indicators (KPIs) in quantitative terms. For example,we previously endeavored to achieve the 2030 target of reducing CO2 emissions from domestic business activities by 30%(compared with 2015 level) in line with the medium- to long-term climate change-related goal of “Asahi Carbon Zero” setunder the “Asahi Group Environmental Vision 2050.” Now, we have added KPIs for our Group companies in Europe andAustralia. We will draw more detailed road maps for the Asahi Group’s individual initiatives to contribute to achieving theSDGs.
< Asahi Group’s material issues/KPIs >
Moreover, we have newly formulated targets and a slogan for the following material issues.
3R + Innovation
3R + Innovation
“3R + Innovation” set as Group goal toward realizing sustainable containers and packaging
We will undertake activities for “containers and packaging” based on the following 3 targets:
- Realize 100% utilization of materials for plastic containers that can be used effectively by 2025*1
- Begin examinations for achieving a 100% conversion to eco-friendly materials for plastic containers by 2030*2
- Examine the development of eco-friendly materials and sales methods that do not make use of plastic containers*3
- Effective use: Reusable, recyclable, compostable, thermal recyclable, etc.
- Target companies: Asahi Breweries, Ltd., Asahi Soft Drinks Co., Ltd., and Asahi Holdings (Australia) Pty Ltd
- Eco-friendly materials: Recyclable materials, biomass materials, biodegradable materials, etc.
- Target companies: Asahi Breweries, Ltd., Asahi Soft Drinks Co., Ltd., Asahi Breweries Europe Ltd, Asahi Holdings (Australia) Pty Ltd, and Asahi Group Holdings Southeast Asia Pte. Ltd.
Responsible Drinking Ambassador
To realize the Asahi Group Responsible Drinking Principles, which were formulated in 2019, we created a Globalslogan so that all of our employees can conduct themselves with a shared awareness of responsible drinking. Based onthe belief that promoting employee awareness is the first step toward realizing these principles, we included the word“Ambassador” in the slogan “Responsible Drinking Ambassador” with the intention to transform the actions of eachemployee. We will continue to take initiatives matching the “Ambassador” as a company as well.
In line with the formulation of the new framework, we have shaken up the Group’s sustainability promotion system. Inpursuit of complete integration of sustainability and management, we have set up the “Global Sustainability Committee”chaired by the CEO of Asahi Group Holdings, Ltd.
We intend to further accelerate the promotion of sustainability on a global and groupwide basis by incorporating thesustainability promotion system into its corporate governance system.