Asahi Group Joins Global Environmental Initiative RE100*1
Committed to increasing the use of renewable energy to achieve the Asahi Carbon Zero*2 goals
Asahi Group Holdings, Ltd.
Asahi Group Holdings, Ltd. (Head Office: Tokyo; President and Representative Director, CEO Akiyoshi Koji), on October29, 2020, joined RE100*1, which brings together more than 260 major companies committed to 100% renewable electricityfor their global business activities. We are committed to achieving the goal of sourcing 100% renewable electricity topower our operations by 2050.
We are the first Japanese beverage company to have joined the RE100 initiative. In making our participation in the initiative,we received support from Japan Climate Leaders’ Partnership (JCLP), a group of companies working to realize asustainable decarbonized society.
One of our principles under the Asahi Group Philosophy is to “contribute to a sustainable society through our business.”Also, under the Asahi Group Environmental Vision 2050, we have established Asahi Carbon Zero, a medium- to long-termtargets in addressing climate change, with the aim of achieving zero CO2 emissions by 2050.
In order to achieve this goal, we are implementing various environmental measures such as purchasing renewable energycertificates, promoting energy conservation through improvements in the production process, and increasing the use ofrenewable energy.
We are also vigorously promoting research and development, including the testing of new technologies, such as a fuel cellbased power generation system utilizing biomethane from wastewater and a CO2 capture test plant, for practicalapplication
We have expanded the scope of establishments covered by the Asahi Carbon Zero initiative to include major operatingsubsidiaries overseas effective from 2020 and will further expand the scope in the future.
As a company operating its business by receiving the gifts of nature, the Asahi Group is committed to passing such giftson to the next generation by promoting proactive initiatives to address various environmental issues. Through ourparticipation in the RE100 initiative, we will work to further increase the use of renewable energy.
- RE100 is a global initiative bringing together the world’s most influential businesses committed to 100% renewable power. Led by theClimate Group in partnership with CDP, the group have a total revenue of over US$6.6 trillion and operate in a diverse range of sectors. Together, they send a powerful signal to policymakers and investors to accelerate the transition to a clean economy. #RE100
- The Asahi Carbon Zero initiative aims to achieve zero CO2 emissions in Scopes 1, 2, and 3 by 2050 with the interim goal of reducing CO2 emissions by 30% compared to the 2015 levels by 2030.