Asahi Group Earns Highest "Supplier Engagement Leader" Rating from CDP
Asahi Group Holdings, Ltd.
Asahi Group Holdings, Ltd. (Head Office: Tokyo; President and Representative Director, CEO Akiyoshi Koji) has been recognized as a global leader in supplier engagement by global environmental impact non-profit CDP*1, earning a position on its Supplier Engagement Leaderboard.
CDP assesses performance of companies and organizations on supplier engagement using their responses to selected questions on governance, targets, scope 3 emissions, and value chain engagement in the CDP Climate Change questionnaire. We have been recognized for our collaborative process with suppliers, including “Supplier CSR Questionnaire,” a survey we introduced in 2015 to understand our suppliers’ initiatives on ESG (environmental, social, and governance), assess their risks, and resolve potential issues.
CDP’s 2020 Supplier Engagement Leaderboard includes about 400 companies and organizations, or the top seven percent of those assessed worldwide.
One of our principles under the Asahi Group Philosophy is to “contribute to a sustainable society through our business.” Also, under the Asahi Group Environmental Vision 2050, we have established Asahi Carbon Zero, a medium- to long-term targets in addressing climate change, with the aim of achieving zero CO2 emissions by 2050. To achieve the Asahi Carbon Zero targets, we are working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through initiatives such as utilization of green power, development of label-less products, demonstration testing for development of new clean energy models, and utilization of lightweight containers. In December 2020, we raised the 2030 reduction targets from 30% to 50%*2 to accelerate our ongoing efforts.
As a corporate group that engages in business activities enjoying gifts from nature, the Asahi Group will contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions by reducing environmental impacts including water and raw materials. The Group also aims, through innovative initiatives, to create a cycle that would have a positive impact to the environment and engage in business activities in such a way as to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.
- CDP is an international non-profit that represents more than 515 institutional investors with assets of US$106 trillion. CDP drives companies to disclose and reduce impacts they are making to the environment and natural resources. Over 9,600 companies worldwide disclosed their environmental data through CDP’s questionnaires on climate change, water resources, and forests in 2020. CDP delivers insights gained from primary data provided by global leading companies to decisions makers around the world to help them make strategic decisions on business, investment, and policies.
- This is the Asahi Group's medium- to long-term targets for reducing CO2 emissions, aiming to achieve zero emissions in Scope 1, 2, and 3 in 2050. As for the 2030 targets, we initially called for 30% reduction (compared with 2015) in Scope 1, 2, and 3. In December 2020, we have revised the 2030 targets in Scope 1 & 2 upward to a 50% reduction (compared with 2019). Scope 1 means direct CO2 emissions from the use of fuel at the own company (plants, offices, motor vehicles, etc.). Scope2 represents indirect CO2 emissions from the use of self-purchased electricity, heat, and steam. Scope 3 refers to CO2 emissions from the own company's value chains.