Environmental Technology
To achieve the Asahi Carbon Zero mediumto long-term targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the Asahi Group’s business activities, we have been implementing demonstration tests of fuel cell power generation using biogas derived from beer brewery wastewater, as well as the installation and demonstration tests of autonomous hydrogen energy supply systems, CO2 separation and recovery testing equipment, etc.

Research information on Environmental Technology
- Award
Pilot-scale demonstration and economics of the inversion process for sugar and ethanol production 29th International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT) Maurice Paturau Award 2016-12-01
- Paper
Retrofit Energy Integration for Selective Fermentation in Cane Sugar Mills under Hot/Cold Energy Availability Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 50(4), 297-308, (2017) 2016-10-01
- Paper
Development of flocculent Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain GYK-10 for the selective fermentation of glucose/fructose in sugar mills Journal of bioscience and Bioengineering, 122(1), 58-63, (2016) 2016-07-01
- Paper
Integrated Design of Agricultural and Industrial Processes:A Case Study of Combined Sugar and Ethanol Production AIChE Journal, 63(2), 560-581, (2017) 2012-06-01
- Paper
Development of a fixed-bed anammox reactor with high treatment potential Biodegradation, 24(1), 99-110, (2013) 2012-06-01