Responsible Drinking
Related SDGs
Throughout the long history of humanity, alcoholic beverages have played a major role in bringing joy and enrichment to daily life, as well as in celebrations and other milestones in life. We are very proud to be involved in the manufacture and sale of such beverages. On the other hand, we are well aware that inappropriate drinking habits can lead to a range of issues for individuals, their families, and society at large.
As a corporate group involved in alcoholic beverages, the Asahi Group promotes initiatives aimed at appropriate drinking and contributes to the development of the alcoholic beverage culture.
Reduction in Inappropriate Drinking
Solution of Alcohol-Related Issues through Creation of New Drinking Opportunities
Reduction in Inappropriate Drinking
Solution of Alcohol-Related Issues through Creation of New Drinking Opportunities

The Asahi Group is working globally to prevent inappropriate drinking habits and to raise awareness of appropriate drinking, aiming to realize a society in which alcohol-related issues are reduced. In addition, we are striving to realize a society that embraces diversity by offering a variety of products and drinking options.
The Global Slogan “Responsible Drinking Ambassador”
To achieve the Asahi Group Responsible Drinking Principles, the Asahi Group created the global slogan “Responsible Drinking Ambassador” in 2020.
It was created to be shared among employees of the Asahi Group as a slogan that reminds them of their mission as employees at a glance. The slogan includes the word “ambassador” to communicate the idea that the first step toward achieving the Group's Responsible Drinking Principles is each individual employee taking responsibility for their drinking behavior and acting in pursuit of the Principles.
To instill in each employee the awareness and knowledge that they must be an “ambassador,” we have begun efforts including the expansion of e-learning about responsible drinking for not only operating companies dealing in alcohol beverages, but other group companies in Japan as well.
Cooperating with IARD and Other Companies in the Alcoholic Beverage Industry and Companies in Other Industries
The Asahi Group is a member of the International Alliance for Responsible Drinking (IARD), an international non-profit organization for promoting “Responsible Drinking” on a global scale, and works in cooperation with the major global alcoholic beverage manufacturers to promote the reduction of inappropriate drinking.
The Asahi Group has endorsed “Actions to accelerate reductions in underage drinking” published by the IARD in January 2020, and is promoting initiatives aimed at reducing underage drinking, which is a global issue, in cooperation with the IARD and its member companies.
Actions to Accelerate Reductions in Underage Drinking
- By 2024, we will introduce a legal age-restriction symbol or equivalent words on all of our alcohol brand products (including on alcohol-free extensions of alcohol brands).
- We do not, and will not, market alcohol-free extensions of alcohol brands to minors.
- We will implement online safeguards to prevent minors from seeing or interacting with our alcohol brands online.
- We will invite retailers, wholesalers, and distributors to work with us to determine how to implement best-practice initiatives globally relating to age verification.
- We will invite online retailers and delivery services to join us in developing global standards for the online sale of alcohol.
Moreover, IARD has recently been promoting efforts to reduct inappropriate drinking society at large, going beyond the boundaries of the alcoholic beverage industry. One example is working with digital platforms to create mechanisms that prevent underage people from coming into contact with alcohol advertising. Efforts have also been made in cooperation with e-commerce and delivery business platforms to create and promote new global standards that will prevent the delivery of alcohol to underage people and intoxicated people.
In addition to the IARD, the Asahi Group collaborates and cooperates with The Brewers of Europe, DrinkWise and Retail Drinks Australia in Australia, the Brewers Association of Japan, and other organizations on a variety of initiatives such as promoting appropriate drinking.
The Target Relating to Solution of Alcohol-Related Issues through Creation of New Drinking Opportunities
Achieve a 20% sales composition ratio of non-alcohol and low-alcohol beverages※1 to major alcohol beverage products※2 by 2030
※1 Non-alcohol beverages are defined in accordance with the laws and regulations in each country. Low-alcohol beverages have an alcohol content of no more than 3.5%
※2 Beer and beer-like beverages, RTD,
non-alcohol beverages -
Sales composition ratio of non-alcohol and low-alcohol beverages to major alcohol beverage products※
※Beer and beer-like beverages, RTD,
non-alcohol beverages
Activities Report on Solving Alcohol-Related Issues
by Reducing Inappropriate Drinking and Creating New Drinking Opportunities

Asahi Group's Innovative Journey to Deliver Great Taste that Exceeds Expectations in Non-Alcohol Beer Development Technologies

Asahi Group Employee’s Insights on Crafting a Responsible Drinking Culture for a Better Future
Other Activities
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The Asahi Group works throughout the entire process from product planning and development, raw material procurement, to production, logistics, sales, and communication with customers to ensure safety and security with the aim of providing products and services exceeding the expectations of customers.
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