Appropriate information disclosure and communication

The Asahi Group conducts a variety of information disclosure and communication to increase engagement with our stakeholders.

Main Stakeholders Content Main Contact Opportunities

1. Pursuit of customer and consumer satisfaction
Asahi places its highest priority on the safety and trust of its customers and consumers. Asahi wins customer and consumer satisfaction by complying with laws and regulations relating to the quality of its products and services and consistently exceeding expectations with its products and services.
2. Be transparent and act with integrity
Asahi provides helpful information regarding its products and services to customers and consumers.
Asahi addresses feedback and inquiries from customers and consumers swiftly and with integrity

  • Customer counseling office (handling inquiries)
  • Surveys related to product development etc.
  • Sales activities
  • Website, social media
  • Plant tours
  • Events and seminars

3. Employee growth and establishment of a safe and positive work environment
Asahi respects the human rights and diverse values of all its employees and strives to foster a corporate culture in which each employee can grow, making use of his or her unique skills and abilities. Asahi will grow through the growth of its employees. Asahi complies with the labor laws in each country and region where Asahi does business as well as employment rules and employment contracts and strives to create work environments that ensure the safety and health of its employees.

  • Interview with superiors and subordinates
  • Union-management consultation, Asahi Group Workers' Union Council
  • Whistle-Blowing Systems called Clean Line System
  • Employee survey
  • Many different surveys
  • Many different training programs
  • Internal newsletter (Intranet, video news)

4. Contribute to a sustainable society
Asahi endeavors to address social issues through its business and to contribute to the achievement of a sustainable society. The respect for human rights is fundamental to everything Asahi does.
5. Anti-bribery
Asahi will not engage in any form of bribery or corruption, and strives to maintain honest and healthy business relationships. Asahi will remain politically neutral.

  • Activities for contribution to local community (e.g. Community activities on material issues)
  • Plant tours
  • Community support activities in regions with workplaces
  • Sales activities
  • Purchasing
  • News releases
  • Website

6. Foster fair and healthy relationships with our business partners
Asahi engages suppliers and other business partners based on a comprehensive assessment, which includes quality and price. Asahi promotes fair and healthy relationships with business partners and works with partners to mutually increase corporate value.
7. Promote CSR with our suppliers
Asahi promotes CSR in its procurement activities together with suppliers, respects human rights and the environment, and complies with applicable laws and regulations in order to contribute to the development of a sustainable society.
8. Maintain fair competitive relationships
Asahi complies with laws and regulations concerning fair competition applicable in each country and region where Asahi does business and acts fairly and with transparency.

  • Purchasing
  • Supplier CSR Questionnaire
  • Quality audits of suppliers
  • Asahi Group Material QA meeting
  • Explanatory meetings for suppliers
  • Procurement Clean Line System, point of contact for consultation and reporting from business partners
  • Website

9. Increase corporate value and protect company assets
Asahi seeks to increase corporate value through sustainable profit growth and the appropriate return of profits to shareholders. To achieve this, Asahi manages its tangible and intangible assets properly in accordance with the company rules and protects the value of these assets.
10. Timely, appropriate and fair disclosures
Asahi discloses company information in a timely, appropriate and fair manner in order for shareholders to accurately understand and evaluate company information, as well as to prevent insider trading and the leakage of material, non-public information.

  • General meeting of shareholders
  • Financial results briefing
  • IR Day ESG initiatives
  • Briefings for individual investors
  • “Asahi Super Report” for shareholders and investors
  • Integrated report
  • Dialogues with ESG assessment agencies
  • Website

Support for External Initiatives

The Asahi Group is working with our stakeholders through participation in various organizations such as trade associations, international organizations, NPOs, and NGOs.

Supporting the United Nations Global Compact

The Asahi Group was the third Japanese company to express support for The United Nations Global Compact in June 2002.
The United Nations Global Compact was proposed by the then Secretary-General of the United Nations Kofi Annan in January 1999 at the World Economic Forum, and he requested individual corporations to support and practice the ten principles in the four areas pertaining to human rights, labor standards, the environment, and corruption prevention within their scope of influence. Its aim is to bring about a proactive change to the world by complying with and practicing these rules as individual corporations execute their business.
The Asahi Group also participates in the sectional meetings organized by Global Compact Network Japan and is committed to the achievement of the Ten Principles in cooperation with leading companies in Japan.

Supporting SDGs

The Asahi Group supports Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
In September 2015, more than 150 member nations of the United Nations adopted “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” for its post-2015 development agenda. This agenda is an action plan proclaiming the goals that should be achieved by 2030 for the sake of humanity, our Earth, and prosperity. The agenda comprises 17 SDGs and 169 targets. The Asahi Group contributes towards achieving these SDGs through our efforts under our material issues.