Beer Foam is a Carrier of Aroma
- 掲載年月
- 2023年06月
- 著者
- Hirotaka Kaneda 1), Toshiaki Aikawa 2), Kaori Matsushita 3), Shigekuni Noba 2), Minoru Kobayashi 2)
1) Department of Life Science, Faculty of Life Science, Kyushu Sangyo University, 2) Head of Department of Brewing Science 1, Brewing Science Laboratories, Asahi Quality & Innovations, Ltd, 3) Advanced Instruments Center, Kyushu Sangyo University
- 掲載誌
- 掲載年月
- 2023年04月
- 著者
- 篠原 雄治、ヨハネス ノヴィクルニアワン、鈴木 康司、佐見 学
- 掲載誌
乳酸菌Lactobacillus acidophilus L-92の免疫調節作用
- 掲載年月
- 2023年04月
- 著者
- 笹井 雅樹
- 掲載誌
- 掲載年月
- 2023年02月
- 著者
- 川村 公人
- 掲載誌
Ingestion of carbonated water increases middle cerebral artery blood velocity and improves mood states in resting humans exposed to ambient heat stress
- 掲載年月
- 2023年01月
- 著者
- Naoto Fujii 1), Yufuko Kataoka 2), Yin-Feng Lai 2), Nanae Shirai 2), 〇Hideki Hashimoto 3), Takeshi Nishiyasu 4)
1) Advanced Research Initiative for Human High Performance (ARIHHP); Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 2) Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 3) Research & Development Strategy Department, Research & Development Headquarters, Asahi Soft Drinks Co. Ltd., 4) Advanced Research Initiative for Human High Performance (ARIHHP); Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, University of Tsukuba
- 掲載誌
Bacteroides uniformis and its preferred substrate, α-cyclodextrin, enhance endurance exercise performance in mice and human males
- 掲載年月
- 2023年01月
- 著者
- Hiroto Morita 1), Chie Kano 1), Chiharu Ishii 2), Noriko Kagata 2), Takamasa Ishikawa 2), Akiyoshi Hirayama 2), Yoshihide Uchiyama 3)4), Susumu Hara 3)5), Teppei Nakamura 1), Shinji Fukuda 2)6)7)8)
1) Core Technology Laboratories, Asahi Quality & Innovations Ltd., 2) Institute for Advanced Biosciences, Keio Univer-sity, 3) Aoyama Gakuin University Track and Field Club, Aoyama Gakuin University, 4) Schoolof International Politics, Economics and Communication, Aoyama Gakuin University, 5) Schoolo f Global Studies and Collaboration, Aoyama Gakuin University, 6) Gut Environmental Design Group, Kanagawa Institute of Industrial Science and Technology, 7) Transborder Medical Research Center, University of Tsukuba, 8) Laboratory for Regenerative Microbiol-ogy, Juntendo University Graduate Schoolof Medicine
- 掲載誌
Temporal drivers of liking by period: A case study on lemon-flavored carbonated alcoholic drinks with consumers in natural settings
- 掲載年月
- 2023年01月
- 著者
- Takahiro Wakihira 1), Michel Visalli 2)3), Pascal Schlich 2)3)
1) Brewing Science Laboratories, Asahi Quality & Innovations, 2) Centre des Sciences du Gout et de l’Alimentation, AgroSup Dijon, CNRS, INRAE, Universit´e Bourgogne Franche-Comt´, 3) INRAE, PROBE Research Infrastructure, ChemoSens Facility
- 掲載誌
Cell-surface protein YwfG of Lactococcus lactis binds to α-1,2-linked mannose
- 掲載年月
- 2023年01月
- 著者
- Wataru Tsuchiya 1), Zui Fujimoto 1), Noritoshi Inagaki 1), Hiroyuki Nakagawa 1), Miwa Tanaka 2), Hiromi Kimoto-Nira 3), Toshimasa Yamazaki 1), Chise Suzuki 4)
1) Research Center for Advanced Analysis, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO), 2) Asahi Quality & Innovations Ltd., 3) Institute of Food Research, NARO, 4) College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University
- 掲載誌
- 掲載年月
- 2022年12月
- 著者
- 林 良祐
- 掲載誌
- 掲載年月
- 2022年12月
- 著者
- 〇佐藤 由佳子 1)、出羽 智子 2)、鈴木 康司 1)、永富 康司 1)、曲渕 哲朗 1)、宮本 靖久 1)
1) アサヒクオリティーアンドイノベーションズ株式会社、2) アサヒビール株式会社
- 掲載誌