- 掲載年月
- 2021年07月
- 著者
- 野場重都
- 掲載誌
Applications of the Third-Generation DNA Sequencing Technology to the Detection of Hop Tolerance Genes and Discrimination of Saccharomyces Yeast Strains
- 掲載年月
- 2021年07月
- 著者
- 〇Yohanes Novi Kurniawan 1), Yuji Shinohara 1), Hiroaki Sakai 1), Tetsuro Magarifuchi 1), Koji Suzuki 2)
1) Analytical Science Laboratories, Asahi Quality and Innovations, Ltd., 2) Asahi Quality and Innovations, Ltd.
- 掲載誌
Effect of Bacillus subtilis C-3102 supplementation in milk replacer on growth and rumen microbiota in preweaned calves
- 掲載年月
- 2021年07月
- 著者
- 〇Satoshi Koike 1), Machiho Ueno 1), Nobuhisa Ashida 2), Tomokazu Imabayashi 2), Yasuo Kobayashi 1)
1) Hokkaido University, 2) Asahi Biocycle Co., Ltd
- 掲載誌
Study of Beer Spoilage Lactobacillus nagelii Harboring Hop Resistance Gene horA
- 掲載年月
- 2021年06月
- 著者
- ○Minami Umegatani, Nobuchika Takesue, Shizuka Asano, Hideyo Tadami, Kazuhiko Uemura
Research laboratories for Alcohol Beverages, asahi Breweries Ltd.
- 掲載誌
Development of a Rapid and Accurate Nanopore-based Sequencing Platform for on-Field Identification of Beer-Spoilage Bacteria in the Breweries
- 掲載年月
- 2021年04月
- 著者
- 〇Yohanes Novi Kurniawan 1), Yuji Shinohara 1), Nobuchika Takesue 2), Hiroaki Sakai 1), Tetsuro Magarifuchi 1), Koji Suzuki 3)
1)Analytical Science Laboratories, Asahi Quality and Innovations, Ltd., 2) Research Laboratories for Alcohol Beverages, Asahi Breweries, Ltd., 3) Asahi Quality and Innovations, Ltd.
- 掲載誌
Preceding Subculture Conditions Affect Growth Characteristics of Beer Spoilage
Lactic Acid Bacteria in Quality Control Culture Media:Comparative Study on Hard-to-Culture and Culturable Secundilactobacillus (Lactobacillus) paracollinoides Strains
- 掲載年月
- 2021年04月
- 著者
- ○Masaki Shimokawa 1), Koji Suzuki 2)
1) Research Laboratories for Alcohol Beverages, Asahi Breweries, Ltd., 2) Asahi Quality and Innovations, Ltd.
- 掲載誌
Dietary Bacillus subtilis C-3102 Supplementation Enhances the Exclusion of Salmonella enterica from Chickens
- 掲載年月
- 2021年04月
- 著者
- 〇Toki Nishiyama 1), Nobuhisa Ashida 1), Koichi Nakagawa 1), Shun Iwatani 2), Naoyuki Yamamoto 2)
1) Asahi Biocycle Co.,Ltd., 2) School of Life Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology
- 掲載誌
Administration of β-lactam antibiotics and delivery method correlate with intestinal abundances of Bifidobacteria and Bacteroides in early infancy, in Japan
- 掲載年月
- 2021年03月
- 著者
- Naruaki Imoto 1), Chie Kano 2), Yumi Aoyagi 2), Hiroto Morita 2), Fumitaka Amanuma 3), Hidekazu Maruyama 3), Shuko Nojiri 4), Naoyuki Hashiguchi 5), Shin Watanabe 6)
1) Department of Microbiome Research, School of Medical Science, Juntendo University, 2) Core Technology Laboratories, Asahi Group Holdings, Ltd., 3) Department of Paediatrics, Department of Neonatology, Iwate Prefectural Iwai Hospital, 4) Juntendo Clinical Research Support Centre, Juntendo University, 5) Department of Emergency and Disaster Medicine, School of Medical Science, Juntendo University, 6) Department of Microbiome Research, School of Medical Science, Juntendo University
- 掲載誌
Daily intake of Lactobacillus gasseri CP2305 ameliorates psychological premenstrual symptoms in young women: A randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study
- 掲載年月
- 2021年03月
- 著者
- Kensei Nishida 1), Daisuke Sawada 2), Toshiyuki Yasui 3), Yuki Kuwano 1), Kazuhito Rokutan 1)
1) Department of Pathophysiology, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Tokushima University Graduate School. 2) Core Technology Laboratories, Asahi Quality & Innovations, Ltd. 3) Department of Reproductive and Menopausal Medicine, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Tokushima University Graduate School.
- 掲載誌
Effect of feeding Bacillus subtilis on rumen fermentation, blood metabolites, nutrient digestibility, and energy and nitrogen balances in non-lactating crossbred cows
- 掲載年月
- 2021年02月
- 著者
- 〇Daisuke Kawauchi 1), Wanna Angthong 2), Ornvimol Keaokliang 2), Tetsuya Ishida 1), Toshihiro Takahashi 1), Tomoyuki Kawashima 1)
1) Graduate School of Agriculture, University of Miyazaki, Miyazaki, Japan, 2) Ruminants Feeding Standard Research and Development Center, Khon Kaen, Thailand
- 掲載誌