Related SDGs
The Asahi Group relies on “nature's gifts” to create its products and services while its business activities also have an impact on the global environment, including greenhouse gas emissions. Without responding to climate change, ensuring water resources, and preserving biodiversity, the Group will be unable to continue its business activities. The Asahi Group will reduce environmental burden, create more positive values for society, and pass “nature's gifts” onto future generations by actively addressing a wide range of environmental issues.
Respond to Climate Change
Sustainable Packaging
Sustainable Agricultural Raw Materials
Sustainable Water Resources
Respond to Climate Change

Climate change, driven by global warming, is increasing extreme weather events such as droughts and floods, profoundly affecting people’s lives and various ecosystems around the world. The climate change poses a significant business risk that the Asahi Group cannot afford to overlook. Furthermore, a critical situation is emerging around the world that has been described as a ’global boiling‘ and requires an immediate response. The Asahi Group recognizes this issue as an unavoidable business risk and emphasizes the urgency of reducing CO2 emissions from our business operations and proactively addressing the challenges of climate change.
In an effort to address these issues, the Asahi Group has formulated “Asahi Carbon Zero” with the goal of achieving net zero CO2 emissions by 2040. Moreover, we have newly established our "Beyond Carbon Neutral" goals, targeting reduction of CO2 emissions not only within our value chains but also beyond our value chains for a low carbon society. To achieve these goals, we are driving a wide range of initiatives in collaboration with stakeholders.
Asahi Carbon Zero Medium and Long-term Goals for Climate Change
The Asahi Group has set medium and long-term goals with regard to climate change in the form of the “Asahi Carbon Zero” initiative.
With “Asahi Carbon Zero”, the Asahi Group aims to achieve net zero CO2 emissions in Scopes 1 and 2 and 3 by 2040, and reduce emissions by 70% for Scopes 1 and 2 and by 30% for Scope 3 by 2030. In addition, we have set an interim target of 40% reduction by 2025 in Scopes 1 and 2.
In order to achieve these targets, the Asahi Group is implementing various measures, including finalizing early-stage introduction of renewable energy, promoting decarbonization in fuel used at manufacturing processes, and the development and deployment of technologies related to carbon emissions reduction, absorption, and collection. We are also collaborating with our suppliers and partners as we seek to balance CO2 reductions in the value chain and preservation of the ecosystem.
We understand the critical need for decarbonization targets based on scientific evidence. Therefore, “Asahi Carbon Zero” has been certified by the Science Based Targets (SBT) initiative, an international initiative that certifies whether decarbonization targets are consistent with scientific evidence.
Our 2030 near-term target of “Asahi Carbon Zero” has been approved by SBT initiative in line with a 1.5°C (Scope 1 and 2) and a 2°C trajectory (Scope 3). In addition, we validated that our Scope 3 target is in alignment with a Well Below 2°C pathway. Furthermore, we are planning to get certification from the SBT initiative for our long-term target.
In October 2020, we joined RE100, becoming the first corporate group in the beverage industry in Japan. Moving forward, our commitment is to achieve 100% of electricity from renewable sources in all our operations by 2040—ten years in advance of our initial 2050 target established in 2022—and continue accelerate the introduction of renewable energy in the future.
The Target Relating to Responding to Climate Change
Reduce our CO2 emissions in Scope 1, 2, and 3 to Net Zero*
(compared with 2019)*Following the SBTi Net Zero definition (i.e. at least 90% CO2 emissions reductions and maximum 10% carbon removals)
Achievement Rate for Scope 1 and 2
(compared with 2019)
Activities Report on Responding to Climate Change

Seeking New Ways to Reduce CO2 Emissions
Sustainable Packaging

At Asahi Group, packaging plays a crucial role in delivering quality products to customers - protecting contents, providing durability for ease of transportation and communicating information. At the same time, reducing environmental impact caused by packaging is a critical issue to realize circular economy. Given its high environmental impact, we believe working on plastic is particularly important.
Within the field of packaging described in the Asahi Group Environmental Vision 2050, the Asahi Group describes a society free of packaging waste as what we would like the world to be like in 2050. In particular, we aim to achieve a world in which marine biodiversity is preserved by minimizing the use of resources to make packaging and helping to build a recycling-oriented society by reusing old packaging.
For plastic packaging, toward our group goal “3R+Innovation”, we are taking actions to shift to containers and packaging with lower environmental impact through reducing plastic weight, expanding use of recycled materials, and selling label-free products.
“3R+Innovation” Targets
- Realize 100% utilization of materials for plastic containers that can be utilized effectively by 2025*1
- Achieve a 100% conversion to recycled materials, bio-based materials, etc. for PET bottles by 2030*2
- Promote the development of new sustainable materials, which are not plastic, and sales methods that do not make use of plastic containers/packaging
- Targeted plastic containers: PET bottles, plastic bottles, certain caps used for PET and plastic bottles, and plastic cups (used for sales), etc.
- Effective use: Reusable, recyclable (including technical recyclability), compostable, thermal recyclable, etc.
Target companies: Asahi Breweries, Ltd., Asahi Soft Drinks Co., Ltd., Asahi Europe and International Ltd., Asahi Holdings (Australia) Pty Ltd., and Asahi Holdings Southeast Asia Sdn. Bhd. - Target companies: Asahi Soft Drinks Co., Ltd., Asahi Europe and International Ltd., Asahi Holdings (Australia) Pty Ltd., and Asahi Holdings Southeast Asia Sdn. Bhd.
The Target Relating to Sustainable Packaging
A 100% conversion to recycled materials, bio-based materials, etc. for PET bottles
Achievement rate
Activities Report on Sustainable Packaging

Australia targets transition to 100% recycled content PET bottles.

Pioneering Label-Free Packaging for a Sustainable Future
Sustainable Agricultural Raw Materials

It goes without saying that agricultural products are essential for humanity. At the same time, environmental risks such as those stemming from climate change may greatly affect the yields or quality of agricultural raw materials. It is vital to give consideration to ecosystems, the environments of agricultural production areas, and the human rights of local communities.
Within the Asahi Group Environmental Vision 2050, the Asahi Group would like the world in 2050 to be with sustainable agricultural raw materials that are produced through farming with consideration to the environment, respecting human rights and realizing regional revitalization so that there is a balance between stable production and preservation of the ecosystem.
The Target to Sustainable Agricultural Raw Materials
By 2030, aim to realize procurement of sustainably produced raw materials 100% for barley and coffee using certification*.
*For each commodity, utilized certifications and criteria will be finalized in 2024
The Target to Sustainable Agricultural Raw Materials
By 2030, strive to source sustainable raw materials by implementing a risk-based due diligence process* to effectively identify, assess, mitigate and remediate human rights risks in our supply chains. This approach will prioritize areas with the highest risk of violations within the supply chains of our five key raw materials: coffee, sugarcane, palm oil, cocoa, and tea.
*risk-based due diligence process = engaging with suppliers, utilizing data-driven tools to identify and monitor risks, and conducting on-site audits where highest risks are recognized. We will work collaboratively with suppliers and stakeholders to ensure transparency, traceability, and continuous improvement in farming practices.
Sustainable Water Resources

Today, population growth, economic growth, and drought due to climate change are causing water shortages on a global scale every year. Issues surrounding water resources are a common global social issue.
Water is an indispensable resource for the Asahi Group, which uses water as a raw material and also in manufacturing processes at its factories. To ensure that we can continue to make use of this precious resource for years to come, we are working to reduce water use, and to identify, respond to and mitigate water risks at our manufacturing sites and basins in collaboration with stakeholders. Furthermore, we are undertaking a wide range of measures in pursuit of our "Healthy Watersheds for People and Nature" goal.
The Target to Sustainable Water Resources
By 2030, reduce average water intensity to 3.2 m3/kl or less globally and to 2.7 m3/kl or less in key manufacturing sites located at our priority basins*.
*1 Priority basins are selected based on water risk assessment tools (Aqueduct, Water Risk Filter and Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT)) and site-level localized water risk assessment. (Targeted sites: 9 manufacturing sites ).
Results for intensity of water consumption
(Global average) -
The Target to Sustainable Water Resources
By 2030, 100% of manufacturing sites identified to be located in water risk areas*1 implement initiatives at basins to address identified risks*2.
*1 Water risk areas include, but not limited to, ones with either water quantity, water quality and/or Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) risks and/or basins globally recognized (e.g. CEO Water Mandate priority basins) etc. (Target sites: 7 manufacturing sites )
*2 Identified risks include, but not limited to either water quantity, water quality and/or Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) risks etc.
Activities Report on Sustainable Water Resources

The Asahi Forest: A Testament to nature's gifts and Home to Japanese Giant Salamanders

The Asahi Forest: A Natural Classroom, Bringing Nature’s Gifts to Future Generations

Recycling Water and Reducing Water Usage
Other Activities
Reduction of Waste and Prevention Pollution
With population increase and economic growth, the depletion of natural resources and environmental pollution due to an increase in waste have become serious problems. The Asahi Group promotes new uses for by-products leveraging its accumulated technologies and knowledge, while implementing initiatives to reduce waste and prevent pollution.
View Sustainability Report -
Biodiversity Conservation
With the degradation of the natural environment, biodiversity is being lost at an unprecedented speed. The Asahi Group recognizes the impact that its business activities have on biodiversity and aims to engage in its business activities with consideration for preserving it.
View Sustainability Report -
Realize Sustainable Supply Chains
The Asahi Group builds strong relationships of trust and long-term cooperative relationships with our suppliers and strives to establish and maintain a sustainable supply chain to promote procurement activities with environmental and social considerations.
View Sustainability Report
Other Information
- Green Bond
Responses to CDP
(Japanese only)※Date of response:September 30, 2024
Sustainability Library
Integrated Report
We publish Integrated Reports as a tool that combines financial and non-financial information to describe the processes and strategies for sustainable creation of corporate value.
Sustainability Report
We publish the Sustainability Report as a tool to provide comprehensive coverage of our performance results, activities and measures in relation to sustainability, which take as their foundations our governance, risk management, strategies, metrics and targets.