Environment Principles and Vision

Environmental Principles

The Asahi Group Environmental Principles are defined by the Asahi Group based on the Asahi Group Philosophy.
The Asahi Group Environmental Principles define the attitudes to the environment, disclosed by the Asahi Group as a corporate group that created most of the products with “nature's gifts”. These principles are aimed at addressing environmental issues proactively, as all the employees in the Asahi Group follow these principles.

Environmental Principles

We, the Asahi Group, will comply with this policy as a guideline for all employees to proactively address environmental issues, and will work together with our stakeholders to realize Planet Positive as envisioned in our Environmental Vision 2050.

  • 1. Create Environmental Management System

    We will create a management system for regularly monitoring environmental activities, and take actions toward continuous improvements.

  • 2.
    Proactively Promote Environmental Activities by Employees

    We will support and develop our people to proactively promote environmental activities on their own, and engage in efforts to foster the corporate culture and raise the environmental awareness of society as a whole.

  • 3.
    Strengthen Efforts for the Global Environment

    We will endeavor to preserve the global environment through efforts such as the prevention of pollution, sustainable use of resources, mitigation of and adaptation to climate change, and protection of biodiversity.

  • 4.
    Collaboration with Stakeholders

    We will collaborate with stakeholders from diverse backgrounds, including local communities, and endeavor to create environmental value based on innovation and generates synergies.

  • 5.
    Promote Engagement

    We will disclose information in a way that is transparent and reliable, and proactively engage in communication with stakeholders.

  • 6. Compliance

    We will comply with environmental laws and regulations of each country/region, international rules, and the standards of the industry and our own Company.

Asahi Group Environmental Vision 2050

We, the Asahi Group, have been enjoying nature's gifts to create our products and services for over 100 years. We are concerned that the worsening global environmental issues threaten not only the sustainability of our business but also the survival of humanity if we do not act accordingly.
As we would be unable to continue our business without nature's gifts, we are determined to achieve Planet Positive, which will reduce the burden on the environment from our business to zero, and maximize value to the global environment through circularity.

What We Would Like the World to Be Like in 2050

Planet Positive Climate Change Packaging 農産物原料 水資源
  • Climate Change

    Carbon Neutral

    A world towards a carbon-free society, where carbon emissions are reduced in society as a whole, beyond the boundaries of business, and biodiversity is preserved

  • Packaging

    A Society Free of Packaging Waste

    A world where the use of resources to make packaging is minimized, used packaging is recycled, and especially, marine biodiversity is preserved

  • Agricultural Raw Materials

    Sustainable Agricultural Raw Materials

    A world where farming is carried out while considering the environment, respecting human rights and realizing regional revitalization, and there is a balance between stable production and preservation of the ecosystem

  • Water Resources

    Healthy Watersheds for People and Nature

    A world where the appropriate quality and quantity of water and the function of the soil are preserved for maintaining health, living environments, and biodiversity, and resilience against natural disasters is enhanced

Asahi Group's Efforts to Realize Its Vision

At the Asahi Group, we carry out efforts to minimize the resources used and maximize circularity through the value chain, and generate synergy by creating strategic partnerships with stakeholders, with the aim of realizing what we would like the world to be like in 2050.

  • Climate Change

    Complete an early transition to renewable energy

    Promote decarbonization of fuel

    Realize both the reduction of CO2 emissions across the value chain and preservation of the ecosystem

    Develop and deploy technologies for CO₂ reduction, absorption, and collection

  • Packaging

    Minimize use of resources

    Use of eco-friendly materials

    Develop products that do not generate waste

    Preserve marine ecosystem through the build-out of a closed loop

  • Agricultural Raw Materials

    Procure farm products with consideration for the environment and human rights

    Use of microorganisms and use of recycled by-products

    Preserve ecosystem through soil improvement

    Revitalize farming communities through support for farmers/growers

  • Water Resources

    Promote water recycling through optimizing water usage

    Build a system of collaboration through river basin cooperation

    Preserve ecosystem by maintaining appropriate water quality and quantity

    Improve water access in water-stressed regions

Planet Positive 気候変動 容器包装 農産物原料 水資源