Material Issues and KPIs of the Asahi Group
Based on our "Sustainability Stories," The Asahi Group has established an objective as well as material issues and initiatives that identify areas to be addressed as management issues. Among these initiatives, we have set key initiatives on which to focus our management resources, and are moving forward with appropriate and effective measures in response.
Material Issues
- Key Initiatives
- Initiatives
Realizing sustainability across the value chain.
As a group, we aim to manage risk and create opportunities while aspiring to make a positive impact for business and society with our products and services.
Respond to Climate Change
Sustainable Packaging
Sustainable Agricultural Raw Materials
Sustainable Water Resources
Realize Sustainable Communities through the Creation of People-to-People Connections
Responsible Drinking
Reduction in Inappropriate Drinking
Solution of Alcohol-Related Issues through Creation of New Drinking Opportunities
Create Value of Health
Human Rights
Respect for Human Rights
KPIs for Individual Material Issues
The Group has also established KPIs for each of its material issues and is closely monitoring the progress of efforts to address these issues under the sustainability governance structure. We have established task forces on the key initiatives in the governance system and have incorporated the groupwide targets into the targets of each Regional Headquarters (RHQ).
Background for Identifying Material Issues
The Asahi Group revised its material issues in 2020 and, in 2022, reevaluated our material issues in line with the formulation of a new Medium- to-Long-Term Management Policy that includes long-term strategies. As a result, while the material issues themselves remain unchanged, we have organized the initiatives and determined key initiatives on which to focus management resources. When revising material issues, we incorporated perspectives on future trends, such as backcasting from megatrends and future projections, and chose what is needed in terms of sustainability to achieve the Asahi Group Philosophy. In identifying key initiatives, we emphasized the perspective of "whether we can create unique value" of importance to the Asahi Group.
Processes for Identifying Material Issues
1. Identifying social issues
A broad range of social issues were identified for consideration based on the following perspectives.
- Sustainability report guidelines (GRI standard / SASB)
- ESG assessments (FTSE / MSCI / Sustainalytics / CDP)
- SDGs
- World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Risks Report
- Global megatrends, future predictions
- Other social issues unique to the businesses of the Asahi Group
2. Mapping of the identified social issues
The Asahi Group mapped the identified social issues from the viewpoints of their importance to society, stakeholders, and the Asahi Group, and the issues that were classified as falling into similar categories were reviewed for material issues.
3. Evaluating adequacy
After discussions with each RHQ, top management of the Asahi Group Holdings evaluated the adequacy of the material issues through deliberations by the Corporate Strategy Board and Board of Directors.
4. Identifying and periodically assessing material issues
Through the processes described in 1 through 3 above, in 2020 the Asahi Group identified five material issues to be addressed as management issues and the overall initiatives to be tackled. In 2022, the Asahi Group reevaluated our material issues in line with the formulation of a new Medium- to-Long-Term Management Policy that includes long-term strategies and assessed our material issues. We confirmed that there was no need to change the material issues themselves. However, we recognized that the scope of our initiatives was too broad and the allocation of management resources was too scattered. As such, we decided to focus on key initiatives that would create more unique value for the Asahi Group. The Asahi Group will implement the PDCA cycle by setting KPIs for each initiative, focusing on key initiatives, and periodically assessing achievements.
Progress on Material Issue Initiatives
The statuses of initiatives addressing material issues in 2022 are as detailed in the Data Book below. Under our sustainability promotion framework, reasons will be identified for unachieved targets and efforts promoted toward achievement.